88 Votes in Poll
All are so wonderful but if, I had to choose it would either be the army or the Spartan ii or Spartan iii programs since those were the best warriors the UNSC security empire had in the 30 years great horrible war but while the covenant had better ships we still had our hope, nobility and honour all the way to win that bloody war and those are the things the evil Covenant empire didn't and never will have because there evil and brutal all the way 100% with only greed in them oorah down with the evil Covenant and long live the good humanity all the way.
No Coast Guard?!?!!??!
AngryMonkeTartar we haven't seen a coast guard for the UNSC security hero empire, I'm afraid you losing it and you must grow up and mature please look, I'm sorry you like villains way more then heroes but doing evil brutal things will lead you to a tragic fate you'll never forgive yourself once you realised your mistakes were all wrong to beginning with, I'm afraid look please come down and let the UNSC fans choose there military branch for me the Spartan 3 program, I choose wisely since Noble team was a very cool military hero squad team and made ultimate sacrifices like Jorge and Noble 6 and Commander Carter there heroic sacrifices were very tragic but good for taking out the evil Covenant empire forces they took a large number of them out with them and that give the Covenant empire a run for there troops and money 100% indeed oorah because heroes rule and villains fall since the Covenant are villains and the UNSC are heroes 100% as always but it is life Mr AngryMonkeTartar sorry but too much evil just costs it members lives all the time the Covenant waste too many troops during the battle of Reach even if they won it cost them hundreds of millions of troops still all the way 100% oorah and if, I remember they lost more ships in that battle then the UNSC did if, I check the causality list with over 260 for them not a great sign for the Covenant but it does happen to evil all the time they lose more and more ever time then good sides do 100% oorah.
Chill dude it was a joke
Also how does me making a joke about no UNSC coastguard = Me liking villains.
Dude the UNSC is not in anyway "the good guys" they are just a government body ruling over humans. If they were such "good guys" why would they Insurrectionists exist. Right now in the Halo universe they aren't even the most technologically advanced. Also stop attacking other people in your arguments, it puts u in a worst position and is not supporting your claim. If you're so serious about this create a different fandom for Halo.
I ain't touching the Spartan IIIs, I'd rather not get sent on a suicide mission to destroy some factory on an asteroid in Covenant space lmao.
Also I can't tell if this guy is just a schizo troll or a bot.
What do you think?