Yup. Those were the bodies of the cadets and marines on the elevator.
Yes, she's absolutely dead. Even she somehow survived the Covenant corvette's laser blast, she definitely died in the fall after.
Probably Holy Alliance, considering the Covenant is a religious coalition.
Well, arguably they did defend the ODPs with their lives. Presumably everyone on board the Malta and Athens died when those stations were destroyed.
Putting that aside, there are several questionable moments that I can think of, just off the top of my head:
-Firstly, the trio of pelicans approaching the Solemn Penance (Regret's flagship) should have been flying at a much higher altitude. In theory the UNSC should still have air superiority at that point, and there's no reason for those pelicans to be 30 feet off the ground and vulnerable to a Scarab.
-Secondly, something must have gone horribly wrong in orbit. We never get to see much of the battle, but the Covenant showed up with a tiny fleet deployed against hundreds of defense platforms and (eventually) the entire remaining UNSC fleet. Once Truth arrives, sure, the UNSC is horribly outclassed, but before that they should have been able to repel the assault.
-Thirdly, the idea to launch ODST drop pods at the Solemn Penance was an atrocious idea. While armored, those pods would never survive impact with an Assault Carrier's battleplate, much less deliver their human passengers in combat-ready state.
-Fourthly, (and this is a complaint of the UNSC in general), a total lack of air support. We see again and again a single AA emplacement somehow holding dozens of longsword interceptors and multiple frigates at bay. Whoever is in charge of UNSC air coordination either doesn't understand how to do their job, or is too timid for a wartime commission when facing total annihilation.
There's another moment of stupidity in one of the books that I'm too lazy to go look up right now, something to do with not having any nukes for some reason. I don't remember exactly, I think it's in First Strike.
Anyway, I'm not a military genius, but those moment stand out in my brain. I'm sure there are others.
Wrong how? As in tactical/strategic mistakes?
I don't see the cardboard scarab....
But yes, if you're using Steam you should be able to get mods for MCC using the workshop.
Helldivers are just ODSTs with orbital fire support. I love them, but they ain't got anything on Spartans.
Seems like a step in the right direction, but I've said that before. Going to be hopeful but reserve judgement until we see actual product.
Ehhhh, maybe. We know where most of the Spartan IIs were thanks to The Fall of Reach and First Strike, but it's not completely out of the question. That being said, using S-IIs for civilian evac is honestly ridiculous. High value assets, sure, but they'd be better used slowing the Covenant advance and letting S-IIIs or normal soldiers handle the actual evac.
So... probably not? But it's vaguely possible.
Fireteams Red, Echo, and Gauntlet would all seem to be Spartan III teams. We don't have much information beyond what Jun says, but the way he says that is pretty indicative of the fact they were Spartans. Considering almost all of the S-IIs were otherwise occupied and the S-IVs didn't exist yet, it stands to reason they were S-IIIs.
Also, there is a brief mention of Fireteam Gauntlet somewhere in a Halo Waypoint post, but I don't remember much about it.
I'd say either Contact Harvest or The Cole Protocol (and finally get to see some Innies).
I mean, almost none of the Spartan IIs really even had last words, so I can't argue with that. The S-IIs all go out with a nuclear bang though, so I'd say that's even better.
Those marines are having one of the best moments of their lives
Def not from any Halo game, could be expanded universe lore but I have no idea where someone would have gotten a model for one of the guns in the books.
30 Sentinels, 3 Hunters, 1000 Infection Forms, 99 Grunts.
The Hunters will stay toward the back in a spread-out formation, targeting heavy units and clusters. The Grunts should lead the charge, with small groups holding back to reinforce their assault lines when needed. After the initial assault, the Infection Forms sweep in under cover of the Sentinels to build me an even stronger army of the enemy's corpses. The Sentinels should be a fairly effective distraction as my Flood assemble themselves and the remaining 800 or so Infection Forms swarm the rest of the living. Hunters push up slowly with the surviving Grunts and help the Sentinels mops up any enemy Flood or pockets of resistance.
Biggest concern is the Wraith, but if things go well I can either overwhelm it with plasma grenades or eventually infected Brutes/Elites.
Not terrible, not great. I respect it.
CE Needler, Plasma Rifle, Focus Rifle, CE Shotgun
(in reverse order)
...no, the Long Night of Solace was the supercarrier. The corvette they boarded was the Ardent Prayer, commanded by Ardo 'Moratumee
There are one or two mods, they just don't care to make their presence known unless they need to intervene in something.
It's definitely techsuit in Halo 5, might be undersuit for the show though