Only works on 3, ODST, and Reach though
Halo 2 elites have the stronger shields but due to how tactically intelligent and agile the elite ultra AI are in Reach, I'd say they are deadlier
I'd that was ever added in a campaign, they would have to make their aim moderate compared to the jackals, like maybe 2-3 shots before they can hit you. Buggers are already annoying enough on legendary without the beam rifle
Bro, a giant lizard like alien built like a tank would terrify anyone
Ye pretty sure you have to get gamepass with the included Xbox live
Bro covertly killed a bunch of them in a Covenant infested Mombasa
I don't think they would do that, pretty sure they just ripped him into pieces
On sanghelios, they eat some kind of grain and an animal similar to cattle. I don't remember the name but it was in a book somewhere
The glitch is I'm able to have 3 players on local co-op, the usual maximum of local co-op players are 2
Only works on 3, ODST, and Reach though
It only works for Halo 3, ODST, and Reach though.
This wiki has been dead for a while
100 marines with assault rifles,30 ODSTs with assault rifles, 10 Marines with sniper rifles, 10 Marines with rocket launchers, 2 Scorpion tanks, 2 regular Warthogs, 2 Rockethogs, 1 Gausshog, and 5 falcons with the standard machine gun. VS 100 COG gears with Lancers, 30 Onyx Guards with Lancers, 10 Gears with Longshots, 10 Gears with Boom shots, 2 Centaurs, 5 Armadillos, and 5 King Ravens. Do some research on Gears of War if you don't know anything about the game.Gears do not get to use the Hammer of Dawn and the UNSC can not call in a missile barrage from a spacecraft. The environment is an urban city in ruins.
Ngl but the lore reason why the armor design changed was stupid. If it was really nanobots in the suit that upgraded his suit, why the hell does Chief still have his dent from when he fell into Earth's orbit. Otherwise pretty cool, shoulder pads are weird though.
One of my gripes about Halo 4 was the weapons: They replaced the plasma rifle with the storm rifle, and the weapon sounds sounded clunkier. They also remodeled the BR and the sniper rifle into a blockier version (I felt like the sniper rifle took up more of the screen than it should). The Prometheans also felt like they rushed their design a bit. The knights were mostly bullet sponges and weren't fun to fight against. The redesign of the Elite and Grunts was also a major upset (those Halo 4 grunts give me nightmares), but I would like to say the Jackal redesign was pretty cool. The armor for both the Elites and Spartans was also something I didn't like; the same issue with the BR and sniper rifle, they both felt blockier (they did the ODST helmet dirty). I won't dive too much into the multiplayer but we know it wasn't the best. Halo 5 improved upon certain aspects of Halo 4 like the behavior of the Prometheans. I like how they turned the Knights into mini-bosses that only showed up occasionally, the Promethean weapons also felt more polished. Other than minor fixes from 4 to 5, 5 had many issues. For one, the Warden fights; they sucked so badly, they also rushed in Osiris trying to push Chief to the side and replace him with Locke. Also, the Created faction felt like a way to try to keep the Prometheans in the game. Halo 5's multiplayer was all right but I would rather load up a lobby of Halo 3 Slayer. Infinite was amazing though, a soft reboot with weapons designs that were cool. The Elites felt like they were the agile warriors they were portrayed in the original Halo trilogy and the boss fights were quite interesting. The multiplayer was also pretty fun and they also had Sprint balanced out. Infinite's had its fair share of problems mostly due to the fact they released it too early. 343 should've delayed the release date to finish the game and polish elements of the game better like finishing Forge and Firefight. The Created story was quickly swept under the rug like it was nothing like dude, if you're going to start something finish it properly. They also cancelled split screen co-op which I'm very mad about. The game was a little broken but they eventually polished out a lot of issues and the game is pretty fun.
I have no opinions until they release their first Halo game
I lt might just be me but I kinda find Infinite's campaign hard to replay again (Infinite is a huge step up from 4 and 5 though). With the Bungie era games I just keep on finding different ways to play it and have fun. Also, people who love Bungie era games like it because of the gameplay, story, and nostalgia of those games. Graphics for those games were pretty good for the time, we don't want a modern halo game to have shitty graphics but graphics aren't everything. 343 also made halo, not feel like halo. There is a reason why Halo 4, 5 and even infinite weren't big game title titans like the Bungie era games; they didn't attract anymore players.
E for everyone
Also, could one of the fireteams possibly be a Spartan II fireteam, I mean they were active on Reach right?