

{{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}} {{[[テンプレート:|]]}}

Halo 2


Halo 2


地球 ニューモンバサ


地球 ニューモンバサ





Weapons on Map
Weapons on Map
Vehicles on map
Vehicles on map
Power-ups on map
  • オーバーシールド
Power-ups on map
  • オーバーシールド
Preferred Gametypes
  • スレイヤー
  • CTF
  • アサルト
Preferred Gametypes
  • スレイヤー
  • CTF
  • アサルト
Recommended Number of Players
  • 6-16
Recommended Number of Players
  • 6-16

Cquote1 The CTMS made New Mombasa's rail system one of the safest on Earth; unfortunately it was one of the Covenant's first targets. Cquote2

ターミナルHalo 2マルチプレイヤーマップの一つ。追加パックの一つに収録されていた。



このステーション上空では摩天楼の間から落雷が確認できた。ターミナルHalo 2の追加パックMaptacular Packを導入することでプレイ可能となる。


  • Train Crossing
  • Station Courtyard
  • Lower Garage




もし何が流れているか、実際に聞きたい場合はHBO Halo 2 Dialog databaseに行くといいでしょう。


"A child’s My Pet Blind Wolf stuffed toy has been found. Will the owner please claim it at the lost and found."

Reference to the Blind Wolf ridable Halo creature that was cut from Halo: Combat Evolved.

"The station cafeteria is now open. Today’s specials feature Bentllama Burgers, Phlegm Brulee, and Scooter Pie."

Bentllama is the nickname for Bungie animator, Nathan Walpole
Phlegm Brulee is the nickname for storyboard artist, Lee Wilson
Scooter is the nickname for Steven Scott, Effects artist[1]

"Attention passengers: the Old Mombasa 4:18 is running several minutes ahead of schedule."

"Will the owner of the brown Über chassis, license code P0-WND, please return to your vehicle."

Uberchassis is the in game name for the car that's sitting on the pedestal in the offensive base, as well as in various places in Outskirts and Metropolis and the license code if you sound it out is "Pwned," a common gamer-ism.

"Security warning: track section 27 to 45. Please dispatch security detail."

Track section 27 to 45 is probably the playable area and there is a lot of action going on.

"Janitorial please report to parking level 2 with a mop and bucket. Janitorial to parking level 2."

All the fighting has created quite a mess...

"Mr. Jones to the white phone, please. Mr. Jones to the white phone."

Most likely a reference to Bungie co-founder Jason Jones and to the movie 'Airplane!'.


"Smoking is prohibited at all transit facilities."

Possible reference to the burning wreckage of vehicles and players. Also a normal train announcement.

"The New Mombasa Transit Authority asks all customers to be aware of their surroundings. If you see any suspicious activity, or unattended packages, please call the New Mombasa transit security hotline"

Ironic considering that there is a little bit of an ongoing battle in the Station.

"Please note: online fare increases will be in effect April 19th."

A reference to Bicycle Day.

"Mind the gap."

A reference to the infamous Mind the gap announcement in the London Underground and the Toronto TTC.

"Warning: for safety and comfort, passengers should be in good health, and free from heart, back, or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by high-speed rail travel."

Normal train announcement and a reference to all the injuries received by the other players.

"All passengers are advised to wait in designated areas only."

Normal train announcement.

"Always use overhead walkway when crossing tracks."

Normal train announcement.

"Thank you for riding with New Mombasa Transit. For any questions or concerns, please contact the transit hotline."

Normal train announcement.

"Due to security restrictions, the following stations will not be in service until further notice: Liwitoni, Kilindini, Manyimbo, Nyali, Mtongwe. We appreciate your patience."

All of these are the names of actual neighborhoods in modern-day Mombasa. Liwitoni is where Terminal is, Kilindini is the area near the Metropolis level, Manyimbo is the area around the space elevator, Nyali is behind the elevator, on the other side of the river, and Mtongwe is further north up the coast.

"Possession of firearms at any transit facility is a federal offense."

Normal train announcement. A little bit ironic though since all players have weapons...

"Upon request, all passengers are required to present their valid transit pass to Transit Authority personnel."

Normal train announcement.

"Parking lot Station Plaza is prohibited."

Normal train announcement.

"Passengers connecting to Orbital Shuttle Hub board westbound trains."

Gives a little glimpse into Earth's transportation network: people use maglev trains to reach their local Orbital Shuttle Hub, then board a shuttle to fly to distant cities.

"Safety is everyone’s responsibility."

A Joke directed towards the constant fighting throughout the terminal.

"Attention: inbound train."

Normal train announcement.

"Welcome to Station 7: Liwitoni. Please refer to video monitors for current information."

Another 7 reference. Also, all the video monitors are tuned to channel 7.

"Children must be monitored at all times. Do not leave children unattended in station."

Normal train announcement, ironic though as there are so many pre-teens that play in Matchmaking.

"Please be aware of incoming trains, and stand clear of the tracks until trains have come to a complete stop."

Normal train announcement, ironic because the train never stops.


Halo:コンバット エボルヴ キャンペーン オータムからの脱出 | 知られざる大地 | 捕われた艦長 | カートグラファー | コントロールセンター | 第2の敵 | インデックスの秘密 | HALOの防御システム | 艦長の奪還 | HALOの最後
Halo:コンバット エボルヴマルチプレイヤー Battle Creek | Blood Gulch | Boarding Action | Chill Out | Chiron TL-34 | Damnation | Danger Canyon | Death Island | Derelict | Gephyrophobia | Hang 'Em High | Ice Fields | Infinity | Longest | Prisoner | Rat Race | Sidewinder | Timberland | Wizard
Halo 2 キャンペーン 異端者 | 武器庫 | ステーションカイロ | 辺境 | メトロポリス | アービター | オラクル | デルタヘイロー | 悔恨 | 聖なる鍵 | 隔離ゾーン | グレイブマインド | 蜂起 | ハイチャリティ | 大いなる旅
Halo 2マルチプレイヤー Ascension | Backwash | Beaver Creek | Burial Mounds | Coagulation | Colossus | Containment | Desolation | District | Elongation | Foundation | Gemini | Headlong | Ivory Tower | Lockout | Midship | Relic | Sanctuary | Terminal | Tombstone | Turf | Uplift | Warlock | Waterworks | Zanzibar
Halo 3 キャンペーン アライバル | シエラ117 | クロウズネスト | サボハイウェイ | ストーム | フラッドゲート | アーク | コヴナント | コルタナ | ヘイロー
Halo 3マルチプレイヤー Assembly | Avalanche | Blackout | Citadel | Cold Storage | Construct | Epitaph (Epilogue) | Foundry | Ghost Town | Guardian | Heretic | High Ground | Isolation | Last Resort | Longshore | Narrows | Orbital | Rat's Nest | Sandbox | Sandtrap (Sand Tarp) | Snowbound (Boundless) | Standoff | The Pit | Valhalla
Halo Warsキャンペーン アルファ基地 | 遺跡へ | 遺跡内部 | アルカディア市 | アルカディア郊外 | 光のドーム | スカラベ | アンダースのシグナル | フラッド | シールドワールド | 浄化 | 修復 | 端緒 | リアクター | 脱出
Halo Warsマルチプレイヤー Chasms | Blood Gulch | Pirth Outskirts | Release | Tundra | Beasley's Plateau | Crevice | The Docks | Labyrinth | Repository | Terminal Moraine | Exile | Fort Deen | Frozen Valley | Sway(?)
Halo 3: ODSTキャンペーン Prepare To Drop | モンバサ ストリート | タヤリプラザ | アップリフト | キジンゴロード | ONIアルファ基地 | ニューモンバサ市警本部 | キコワニ駅 | データの巣 | 沿岸高速道路
Halo 3: ODST ファイアファイト アルファサイト | Chasm Ten | クレーター | ラストネクスト | ロストパトゥーン | ラリーポイント | セキュリティゾーン | Windward
Halo: Reachキャンペーン ノーブルアクチュアル | ウィンター非常事態 | ONI: ソード基地 | ナイトフォール | フロントライン | アウタースペース | エクソダス | ニューアレクサンドリア | パッケージ | 戦艦オータム | ローンウルフ
Halo: Reachマルチプレイヤー Anchor 9 | Breakpoint | Boardwalk | Boneyard | Condemned | Countdown | Forge World (Asylum | Hemorrhage | Paradiso | Pinnacle | The Cage) | Highlands | Powerhouse | Reflection | Spire | Sword Base | Tempest | Zealot
Halo 4キャンペーン ドーン | レクイエム | フォアランナー | インフィニティ | リクレイマー | シャットダウン | コンポーサー | ミッドナイト
Halo 4スパルタンオプス Land GrabSniper AlleyThe Challenge
Halo 4マルチプレイヤー AbandonAdriftComplexDaybreakErosionExileHarvestHavenImpact (Relay) • MonolithLandfallLongbowMeltdownOutcastPerditionRagnarokRavineShatterSkylineSolaceVortexWreckage
Halo - Interactive Strategy Game Campaign

ジェリコVII | キャッスル基地防衛 | The Hidden Artifact of Reach
