Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

Ciudad de Arias[Note 1] was one of a number of cities on Verge, a human colony conquered by the Covenant. A beacon was set up near the city, providing Spartan Black Team with cover as they attempted destroy it. "Hopalong," a seemingly non-hostile Yanme'e, made contact with the Spartans in a structure in the city, enlisting their aid in a massive escape attempt of a penal colony of Yanme'e Unmutuals; Yanme'e who are "incapable of socialization." After the Yanme'e inmates turned on the Spartans, Black Team used the city's still-functioning transit system to escape to a Pelican dropship for extraction.[1]


"Ciudad de Arias" roughly translates from Spanish as "City of Songs," or, more literally, "City of Sung Music."

List of appearances[]


  1. The city is referred to as "Cuidad de Arias" on page 202 of Halo: Evolutions, while page 193 identifies it as "Ciudad de Arias." The spelling on page 202 is clearly either a typographical oversight, as "ciudad" means "city."


  1. Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, "Blunt Instruments"