Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

File:Reach5armorpacks gungnirarmorpacksteel photo 01 dp.jpg

GUNGNIR project armor pieces: note the helmet, pauldrons and knee guards


Project GUNGNIR was a top-secret UNSC program created by Section Three of the Office of Naval Intelligence and under the supervision of Rear Admiral Michael Stanforth. The program consisted of two separate but parallel teams, one tasked with creating the Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle, more commonly known as the Spartan Laser, while the other produced the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor variant known as Gungnir Armor.[1]


  • In Norse mythology, Gungnir ("unswaying one") is Odin's magical spear, which is an infallibly accurate weapon. The symbol for Gungnir is located on the side of the Spartan Laser.[2][3] The weapon's abbreviation, W/A M6 G/GNR, bears a notable resemblance to the name "Gungnir." Like the Spartan Laser, the Gungnir of mythology is an extremely accurate weapon.
  • The GUNGNIR symbol can be seen on the side of the Forklift in Halo: Reach.


List of appearances

