Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

Scorpion Cannon (also called the Scorpion Turret, Scorpion Gun, or just Scorp) is the unofficial title of an unintended weapon hidden near the beginning of the Halo Infinite campaign. As the name may suggest, it is a handheld variant of the Scorpion tank's main cannon.

Upon the initial release of the Season 2 patch, this weapon was removed from the game, although save files where a player has already acquired one were left intact. However, the May 25th, 2022 patch restored the cannon to its original place.


During the game's third campaign mission, Outpost Tremonius, the player must use the Grappleshot to climb atop a chunk of ship hull northeast of the FOB. Atop the hull are two cannons, some scattered wires and debris, a corpse, and a switch that isn't attached to anything.

The player must activate the switch and quickly grappleshot to the cannon farthest from the interface, stand at the end of the right-hand barrel and look down at the muzzle. If the player is quick enough, they'll see a weapon pick-up prompt, however there won't actually be any weapon name or ammo type displayed. Upon successfully picking up the weapon, the viewmodel will vanish, they will become stuck in their idle animation, the crosshairs will be replaced by those seen while driving the Scorpion tank, and the player's previously-held weapon will be dropped to the ground.

If the player fails to reach the cannon quickly enough or completes Outpost Tremonius before attempting to grab it, the opportunity will be lost and the campaign must be restarted to obtain it again. Similarly, the weapon should not be dropped or swapped out, as doing so will cause it to disappear, with no opportunity to reobtain it.


The Scorp is an invisible weapon that possesses a handful of unique characteristics beyond simply being a handheld cannon turret. For instance, the weapon's explosions do not harm the player using it, meaning the gun can be fired at any range without risk to the player, although care should be taken around explosive objects which could be set off by the weapon and can still hurt the player.

The gun has infinite ammo, with the HUD display showing a permanent "100%" ammo pool that never depletes. Despite this, the gun is still subject to the Scorpion's usual low fire rate.

The projectile and its explosion are just as deadly as they are when driving an actual Scorpion, able to one-shot most enemies, and two-shot most vehicles. The added versatility of being on-foot or potentially seated in various other, faster and more nimble vehicles, makes the weapon even stronger than it would be normally.

The weapon also fires at a deceptively low angle. The projectile generates around Chief's pelvis, which can make shooting downwards from high ground somewhat of a pain. This can be somewhat mitigated by jumping prior to taking a shot, but this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. However, as stated, because the explosions don't deal self damage, this is little more than an annoyance.

The usage of the Scorp does not affect achievements in any way and is perfectly safe to use on both Legendary and LASO runs, considered by some players to be an outright necessity for both modes.

Worth noting is that while wielding the weapon, the player is incapable of using their melee attacks or vaulting up ledges. However, their equipment, grenades, sprint, crouch, and slide are all still fully functional. Throwables and pick-ups can still be utilized. Should the player need to make use of their melee attack or ledge vaulting for any reason, or simply need a non-explosive weapon, they can swap to their other weapon slot without risk of losing the Scorp, and make use of them that way.


  • When attempting to utilize the Vehicle Bay at any of the player's FOBs, the game has trouble positioning Chief while he's wielding the Scorp. This can result in a delay where Chief will wiggle around in circles until settling into position, at which point things will operate as normal.


  • Though speculated to be a callback to the infamous Scarab Gun secret from Halo 2, 343 has officially classified the weapon as a "glitch".
    • Given the small window, and the very specific steps that need to be taken in order to obtain it, it's likely it was a leftover from the development phase.
  • When wielded while riding on the rear seat of a Mongoose or Gungoose, Chief will assume a standing position and be unable to aim the weapon freely, firing will cause the projectile to launch in the direction opposite the vehicle, and the projectile will appear from Chief's feet.
    • Similar oddities occur while riding in any Warthog variant. When in any seat besides the driver seat, Chief will stand in his idle animation, and will be able to fire the Scorp in a limited range of directions.