Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

Squad Battle is a ranked 6v6 playlist in Halo 3. It is designed to fill some of the void left by removing Ranked Big Team Battle. Squad Battle gametypes are focused on Slayer, Assault and Capture the Flag. It was added to the ranked playlists on September 23, when the second title update was released.[1]

Maps Played in Squad Battle[]

Since the playlist features a maximum of 12 players in a game, it contains several medium-sized maps alongside all the large sized maps of Ranked Big Team Battle. The playlist contains:

Gametypes Played in Squad Battle[]

  • Big Team Slayer (64.4% chance of being selected) - Score points by killing players on the opposing team. First team to 100 points wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. 15 minute match time limit.
  • Multi-Flag CTF (13.0%) - Players attempt to capture the opposing team's flag. First team to three captures wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. 20 minute match time limit.
  • One Flag CTF (17.1%) - Round-based Capture the Flag, where one team attempts to capture a flag while the other team defends it. The most captures after four rounds wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. Four minute match time limit.
  • Neutral Bomb Assault (5.6%) - Teams vie over a single bomb, scoring points by detonating the bomb in the opposing team's base. First team to three detonations wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. 20 minute match time limit.

