Keep-- This is not a personal gametype. It is availible as an XBL playlist, meaning this was not created by a fan, but by Bungie employees for Halo fans. Shotty Snipers can be seen on the ranked playlist area, under "Team Slayer". This article is the same exact thing as Territories or Assault. Ask anyone on Halopedia who has XBL. I'll bet they will agree to the exact same thing. :) -- Blemo-X23 TALK • CONTRIBUTIONS • SERVICE RECORD • MESSAGE 02:26, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
Cool then. My apologies. Spartan 107 02:42, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
Two issues[]
Yeah...two things. It has a picture of a spartan with a sniper rifle equipped and an SMG on his leg when it claims to be a picture of shotty snipers. It also says "most" Halo 3 players have changed this gametype. Not really sure what that's supposed to mean.
PS - don't have an account
Changed a few things[]
I reworked the article to make it flow better, and changed a few grammatical errors. I also removed the image present, since it was not of a player in a Shotty Snipers game. See any problems, feel free to change. XRoadToDawnX 17:36, 25 June 2008 (UTC)