Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

“Play the Mythic Maps here. Unranked 4v4 and Objective games.”
— In-game description for Halo 3's Team Mythic playlist

Team Mythic was a social 4v4 playlist, introduced for the owners of Halo 3 Limited Collector's Edition. It features Slayer, Slayer BRs, SWAT, and Snipers. Additionally, 2 Flag, Neutral Assault, and even Grifball will make cameos at a lower weighting. The playlist features all three Mythic maps, including Sandbox in multiple variants.

Team Size: 3-4
Max Party Size: 8

Maps Played In Team Mythic[]




Punishment - Community Sandbox variant made by DEATHPIMP72.

Utah Mambo - Community Sandbox variant made by Cosmic Rick.




Gametypes Played In Team Mythic[]

Team Slayer (25.3% chance of being selected) - First team to 50 kills wins. 12 minute match time limit.

Team Slayer BRs (29.3%) - First team to 50 kills wins. Players spawn with Battle Rifles and Assault Rifle secondary weapons. 12 minute match time limit.

Multi Flag BRs (17.2%) - Both teams battle to capture each other's flags. First team to three flags wins. Battle Rifle starts with Assault Rifle secondary wepaons. 20 minute match time.

One Flag (5.1%) - Round-based Capture the Flag, where one team attempts to capture a flag while the other team defends it. Most captures after four rounds wins. Four minute round time limit.

One Flag BRs (6.1%) - Round-based Capture the Flag, where one team attempts to capture a flag while the other team defends it. Most captures after four rounds wins. Four minute round time limit.

Neutral Assault (11.1%) - Teams vie over a single bomb, scoring points by detonating the bomb in the opposing team's base. 15 minute match time limit.

One Bomb (6.1%) - Round-based Assault where teams alternate attempting to detonate a bomb and defending the base. The team with the most detonations after four rounds wins. Four minute round time limit.


  • Team Mythic is one of the few playlists that a player and seven other friends can all get together just for achievements.
  • Team Mythic was removed as a Playlist possibly due to how people would get together just for free achievements. However, it returned to the Social Playlists to coincide with the release of Halo 3: ODST and the three new maps.

